
Transporting Children
For parents/Guardians who are having to travel outwith the village to drop/collect children for the group and find it is not worth their while going home and back again, we shall be offering tea/coffee with biscuits in the kitchen if you wish to wait there until the meeting has finished.This may be off use to you in the winter months especially!

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Posted by Fairburn Scout Group on 03 Sep 2010 20:48
Cub Scout meeting times
As Lesley won't be with the Cubs next week, Hamisha and the Cubs are joining together with the Beavers at the earlier time of 6.15pm-7.15pm.This shall be for next week only! All Cub meetings shall then be from 7pm-8pm!

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Posted by Fairburn Scout Group on 27 Aug 2010 20:08
Scouts' Strength
(Published in the Ross-Shire Journal on 10 June 2010)Sir - I am the Group Scout Leader for Fairburn Scout Group in Marybank and I am hoping you print this as I would like to take the opportunity to thank so many people.
Following the re-establishment of the group which was opened by businessman and president of Ross County, Roy Macgregor, a year last May, the group has gone from strength to strength.
The Beaver Scouts have been very successful with the help of many leaders, helpers and committee members so we decided to open the next section. The Cub Scouts are now up and running with two leaders with previous experience running it.
We are now able to bring our love of outdoors and passion for learning new skills to a new generation of Scouts. The reward is watching the children exceed their own expectations and achieving things that they never thought they would be capable of.
Without the help that we have received over the last year, this may not have been possible. The Scouting Region and District members in this area have never waited until they have been asked by us for advice but come forward voluntarily with offers of help and suggestions. We have had several visits from other group leaders, executive members of the district and the District Commissioner, Frank Hallett, is a joy to work with.
We have admiration for the headmaster and staff of Marybank Primary school who have given us continuous support with everything we have done, including a joint fundraiser which we would never have managed alone. They attend our events, help us with various course work and are very willing to share any ideas they think may work with weekly meetings.
The community itself has become very involved, we have had visits from a variety of community workers, been given donations towards our funds and we have also received raffle prizes from locals over the year which is very much appreciated.
Lastly, we would like to thank the children themselves for being so well behaved and mannerly. They bring an infectious enthusiasm to everything they do. They try any challenge that we throw at them and laugh their way through it which gives us huge faith in the future.
As for our plans for the future of Fairburn Scout Group, if we can help pass on the wonderful gift of Scouting and keep them away from the TV/WII/Playstation for even a short while and help them learn something new then our job is done. We have not even scratched the surface with what we would like the children to experience in their Scouting years watch this space! We would like to thank everyone who has supported us in our first year.
Nicki Mackay, Fairburn Scout Group, Marybank

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Posted by Fairburn Scout Group on 19 Aug 2010 16:00